Darwin and the Octopus

You knew the octopus is strange. Now science says it’s even stranger, and the evidence is not good for Darwin’s theory.

Octopuses have eight arms with suction cups, and taste through their suckers. They have three hearts. They are extremely intelligent; they can solve complex mazes, open jars filled with tasty crabs, and build structures. They camouflage themselves by altering the way light reflects from their skin, and they can change the texture, pattern, and brightness of their skin. Parts of their brains are in their arms, and the arms “can execute cognitive tasks even when dismembered.”

Where did this technology come from? We now know that all life runs off code, like computers, only much more advanced. Scientists recently examined the code that octopuses run, their DNA, and found it – well, alien. “It’s the first sequenced genome from something like an alien,” joked one of the lead scientists. An organism’s genome is its complete set of code, all of its DNA. We don’t fully understand the wondrous complexity of DNA and how it works, but we can usually identify parts of the code that are used to build proteins – the machine parts of life. Those parts of DNA code are called genes. Octopuses have “hundreds of octopus-specific genes found in no other animal, many of them highly active in structures such as the brain, skin, and suckers.”

Got that? The octopus has “hundreds” of sections of brand new, never seen before in any other animal, genetic coding to build unique proteins. Where did that new coding come from?

As you know, there are only two theories. One is Darwin’s theory that natural selection kept the better of the random mutations, until a new species — here the octopus — appears. When Darwin proposed his theory we didn’t know that life runs on code. Now that we do, his followers claim that random, gradual changes in the code (mutations) somehow produce new technology. Under this theory, you would never find completely new coding. The octopus is classified as a mollusk – a clam. So Darwin’s theory is that somehow clams “evolved” into complex creatures with new, amazing technology – three hearts, eight arms with suckers that can taste, and new brain structure – by natural selection keeping the better of the random mutations, the random changes in the coding.

I think that’s patently ridiculous. Octopus DNA is a nightmare for Darwin’s theory. The odds of scrambling DNA code and getting functional code that will build a brand new machine part – producing the code that will build a sequence of amino acids that fold into a working protein – are about 1 in a number with 70 zeros — 1070. Now “only” about 1040 organisms have ever lived, so the odds against getting a new protein of any kind by accident are about 30 orders of magnitude greater than the number of creatures that have ever lived. And again the octopus has “hundreds” of sections of unique, never seen before, DNA code that build working parts. Plus those parts are highly designed to work together to build the technology that makes an octopus an octopus. The technology to coordinate eight arms must be amazing.

Darwin’s theory has never stood up to mathematical analysis. The octopus has grabbed it with eight arms and won’t let go. For Darwinists, it’s a nightmare.

This leaves us with the second explanation for the octopus. It was designed.

Thanks for reading.